Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weigh in day and pondering

So today is my weigh in day. I switched up my workout this week and worked out harder then ever. Yesterday I did a 90 minute workout with 60 minutes of cardio. But I know my body and how I ate this week and I kinda had a feeling it was not going to be a good weigh in.

So I got on the scale and only gained a pound. Way better then I expected. Yes it is a gain, but it's a pound. I can totally deal with that!

This week I am REALLY going to focus on eating better. Last week I did not make the best choices, but this week I am REALLY going to try.

So I still can not decide what to do. I am being indecicive this week. My weight watchers subscription is up in September and my birthday is in september also. I was thinking about stopping weight watchers and going back to counting calories and asking for a bodybugg for my birthday. I am not sure what to do. So far in a month in a half I have lost 7 pounds with WW. I just dunno what I am going to do. WW seeems to be working, but when I was calorie counting I was not doing it well. So do I give it a try and spend the money?

I don't wanna buy anything until I find out about our Kristin trip! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait!!!!!! I really don't know what to say Banana, because it is something that inevitably is up to you. = ) I have faith you will make the right decision for you though! Either way as LONG as you put your personal 100% into it, you WILL succeed. = )

Mesha said...

i love how you are immediately positve even after a gain...there is a lot to be learned for the rest of us through that example. thanks Anna...stay on track this week. love ya bunches!

Valerie said...

Ditto to what Mesha said!! I couldn't agree more...but you are right, just get right back out there and work harder. I love it! I will come back and read this for inspiration one day soon. I am worried about my weigh-in this weekend. Losing 7 pounds is great, but I am afraid of what will follow such a big amount! Love ya, gal!